แแแฌแแแ แแแแแแ แฉแแแแ แแ แแแแแก แฅแแแจ
Forbes Georgia 30 Under 30 Hybrid Event
Concierge Tbilisi became Forbes Georgia 30 Under 30 Award exclusive implementing partner and started the award event transformation process from a physical happening into a hybrid event, joining actual TV studio and online experience. Forbes Georgia aimed to increase the reach of the award in its social media channels and upgrade its image with the help of Concierge Tbilisi marketing and event professionals.
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- Selection of the best matching online event tool, for the perfect combination of offline and online interaction
- Producing branding and content materials for the event
- Face-to-Face coaching of all 30Under30 nominees, preparation for the live online event
- Combining online and offline elements in an interactive virtual event
- Since Concierge Tbilisi became Forbes Georgia 30under30 Award exclusive implementing partner and started the award event transformation process from a physical happening into a hybrid event, joining actual TV studio and online experience, we dedicated a team over the 10 professionals including managers, moderators, designers, Virtual award ceremony coordinators and etc. to. Ensure delivery of best results expected by client.
- Marketing team of Concierge Tbilisi worked closely with the Forbes Georgia to tailor their existing branding to the virtual platform, produce and incorporate all offline elements of the actual TV studio into the online experience.
- CT team also communicated with award respected Jury and Under 30 nominees to ensured their participation was comfortable and useful.
- Creation of the Forbes 30Under30 hybrid event concept
- Selection of the best matching online event tool, for the perfect combination of offline and online interaction
- Planning pre and post event social media
- campaigns and the respective content
- Photo and video production for Forbes 30under30 nominees, copywriting and online promotion
- Provision of hybrid event audio and visual support